Life on Mars Wiki
Joaquín Gallardo
Series: La chica de ayer
Rank: Chief Inspector
Aliases: Quin
Actor: Antonio Garrido
UK equivalent: Gene Hunt
US equivalent: Gene Hunt (Major Tom)

Joaquín "Quin" Gallardo was the Chief Inspector and the superior officer of time traveller Samuel Santos in 1977 Madrid. As the chief of that department, he was often very domineering and arrogant towards his colleagues and other people.


  • Coincidentally, "Gallardo" is Spanish for "gallant", though Quin is reluctant to show this.
  • "Quin" has the same phonetic pronunciation as "King". That was the reason of the nickname.

Characters of La chica de ayer
Santos thumb  Quin thumb   Ana thumb  Rai thumb   Cris thumb  
Samuel Santos / Joaquín Gallardo / Ana Valverde / Raimundo García / Jose Cristóbal Matteo